◄ Paper 162
  Part 4 ▲
Paper 164 ►
Paper 163

Ordination of the Seventy at Magadan

Ordination of the Seventy  •  The Rich Young Man and Others  •  The Discussion about Wealth  •  Farewell to the Seventy  •  Moving the Camp to Pella  •  The Return of the Seventy  •  Preparation for the Last Mission

A FEW days after the return of Jesus and the twelve to Magadan from Jerusalem, Abner and a group of some fifty disciples arrived from Bethlehem. At this time there were also assembled at Magadan Camp the evangelistic corps, the women’s corps, and about one hundred and fifty other true and tried disciples from all parts of Palestine. After devoting a few days to visiting and the reorganization of the camp, Jesus and the twelve began a course of intensive training for this special group of believers, and from this well-trained and experienced aggregation of disciples the Master subsequently chose the seventy teachers and sent them forth to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom. This regular instruction began on Friday, November 4, and continued until Sabbath, November 19.


Jesus gave a talk to this company each morning. Peter taught methods of public preaching; Nathaniel instructed them in the art of teaching; Thomas explained how to answer questions; while Matthew directed the organization of their group finances. The other apostles also participated in this training in accordance with their special experience and natural talents.

163:1 ►
The Urantia Book